领地蘭台府意式轻奢风户型图 户型设计:三室两厅一厨两卫 施工面积:137平米 户型分析:这是一套137平方米,三室两厅一厨两卫的户型。原始区域分割清晰。入户走廊略显狭长,有些许占用空间。客、餐厅、厨房南北通透,采光好。主、次卧空间较小。 设计方案Design scheme 全屋选用尽显高级质感的驼色贯穿,深咖撞色,金色镶嵌。整体设计简约时尚,线条流畅、清晰,以最简洁的设计手法来打造奢华气派的居家环境,让居住者能身心完全放松。 从生活本质出发,注重装修质感,硬装的简洁是为了赋予软装上的奢华。在功能性与高颜值都得以兼顾的情况下,不哗众取宠,材质本身表现出的华丽感,却时时刻刻吸引关注的目光。 The whole house selects camel color to show the high quality throughout, dark coffee color, gold Mosaic. The overall design is simple and fashionable, the lines are smooth and clear, and the most concise design method is used to create a luxurious home environment, so that the residents can completely relax. Starting from the essence of life, we pay attention to the texture of decoration. The simplicity of hard clothing is to give luxury to soft clothing. In functional function and high appearance level can be given consideration to below the case, do not sensationalism, material itself shows the gorgeous sense, but always attract attention. 详细介绍 穿越银色时空长廊,从繁忙、疲惫中抽离,享受家的温暖。 银色的镜面走廊,满满的金属质感。“以墙为镜”扩展视线,增加走廊的亮度,使走廊看起来更加高大和宽敞。 Through the silver time corridor, from busy, tired out, enjoy the warmth of home. Silver mirrored corridor, full of metal texture. "Using the wall as a mirror" expands the line of sight and increases the brightness of the corridor, making it look taller and more spacious. 前后呼应的背景墙,简单的线条诉说着永恒的经典,摆脱所有的浮华和不切实际,用最少的设计解释最基本的轻奢美学。 放荡不羁、炫耀财富色彩的巴洛克式“畸形珍珠”组合,与茶几上摆件呼应,凸显空间轻奢感。 功能性沙发一定是享受生活必备,奶白色全皮质,看着就舒服。 Echoing the background wall, simple lines tell the eternal classic, get rid of all the flashy and impractical, with the least design to explain the most basic light luxury aesthetics. Bohemian, showing off the baroque of wealth color "misshapen pearl" combination, and the tea table ornaments echo, highlight the sense of light luxury space. Functional sex sofa is to enjoy a life must, milky white is complete coriaceous, look at comfortable. 客、餐厅在同一个空间,窗外的自然光及流动空气引入其中,让生活多了些自在与从容的步调。 Guest, dining-room is in same space, the natural light outside the window and flowing air are introduced among them, let the life more some more comfortable with leisurely pace. 金属的硬朗质感搭配玻璃澄澈灵动的若隐若现,让整个空间复古优雅,充满格调。 The hard texture of metal and the transparent and clever glass make the whole space retro and elegant and full of style. 温润自然的石材质感餐桌,舒适、贵气的餐椅,与现代空间结合,简单中营造奢华。 The soft and natural stone dining table and comfortable and expensive dining chair combine with modern space to create luxury in simplicity. 深咖色置物小几组合,与淡雅的主色调相撞,布入灯带,增加亮度,凸显时尚。 The dark coffee color is small combination, and the main tone of elegant collision, cloth into the light belt, increase brightness, highlight fashion. 平淡宁静的生活也需要调节气氛,在私密的空间注入一抹高贵、优雅的蓝色,展现典雅的迷人风情,追求浪漫时尚的心。 Insipid and halcyon life also needs to adjust atmosphere, in illicit close space infuse a noble, elegant blue, show the charming amorous feelings of elegance, pursue the heart of romantic fashion. 活泼、愉悦的色彩搭配,开心的一天从这里开始! 松弛、舒适的整体浴室,卸尽劳累安然放空栖息! Lively, cheerful colour collocation, happy day begins from here! Relaxed, comfortable integral bathroom, unload tired rest safely! 功能齐全的卧室,温柔舒适的港湾,完美演绎出生活其实可以很简单、干脆。 The bedroom with complete function, gentle and comfortable harbor, perfect deduce a life can be very simple actually, simply. 斑斑点点的细碎阳光洒进静谧的角落,恬然宁静,书香环绕,泡一杯茶,翻一页书,发一会呆... bookish surround, bubble a cup of tea, turn a page of the book, hair for a while to stay... 本案设计师 |